
Estd. 2020
Approved by the Shaw Family

"You ladies and gentlemen make me ill!"

"He just couldn't bear losing. I've never known anyone quite like that"

Robert Shaw as Steven Ledbetter

A young British woman suffering from depression over the loss of her husband develops an unusual relationship with her chauffeur.
Directed by Alan Bridges
Screenplay by Wolf Mankowitz from the novel by L.P. Hartley
Produced by Ben Arbeid and Terence Baker
Music by Marc Wilkinson
Cinematography by Michael Reed
Edited by Peter Weatherley
Also starring Sarah Miles, Peter Egan, Elizabeth Sellars, Caroline Mortimer and Ian Hogg
Released by Columbia Pictures
Release Date: July 26th 1973
Running Time: 108 minutes
Location(s): Bath, Wiltshire and Bray Film Studios Berkshire
Filming commenced: November 27th 1972
Grand Prix winner at Cannes Film Festival 1973

Talking Pictures TV Trailer
Official Movie Soundtrack
Bloody Foreigners!
Exclusive promo trailer made for UK TV station Talking Pictures.
A selection of tracks from Marc Wilkinson's haunting score.
An exclusive clip from the movie showing Ledbetter starting to unravel mentally.

![now showing GIF_thumb[1].gif](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/51f4b8_c475c3f62240416ea489b9651df68e26~mv2.gif/v1/fill/w_426,h_99,al_c,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,pstr/now%20showing%20GIF_thumb%5B1%5D_gif.gif)

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