
Estd. 2020
Approved by the Shaw Family

"My plan is to force Bunin to destroy himself"

“In leaving Ireland, I am leaving a piece of my heart with Robert Shaw and his family.”

Robert Shaw as General Vladimir Marenkov
(Voice dubbed by Robert Rietty)

Soviet KGB General Marenkov defects to the Americans and together with his CIA handler Harry Wargrave they plan an operation meant to reveal the KGB agents in Europe.
Directed by Mark Robson
Screenplay by Abraham Polonsky from the novel by Colin Forbes
Produced by Mark Robson and Lynn Guthrie
Music by alyn ferguson
cinematography by jack cardiff
edited by garth craven and monte hellman
Also starring Lee Marvin Linda Evans, Mike Connors, Horst Bucholz, Joe Namath and Maximillian Schell
Released by Warner Bros.
Release Date: October 19th 1979 (Posthumous Release)
Running Time: 88 minutes
Location(s): Munich, Venice, Milan, Malibu and Dublin
Filming commenced: March 6th 1978

Official Movie Soundtrack
Enjoy an extract from the original soundtrack composed by Allyn Ferguson.
TV Spot 1979
US TV promotional spot from 1979.
CBS Saturday Night Movies 1981 TV Spot
DVD release preview clip
Saturday Night Movie premiere TV spot from CBS Television.
Promotional clip for the DVD release of Avalanche Express.
Film of the Day Review
Online review of the film with some behind the scenes information.

![now showing GIF_thumb[1].gif](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/51f4b8_c475c3f62240416ea489b9651df68e26~mv2.gif/v1/fill/w_490,h_114,al_c,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,pstr/now%20showing%20GIF_thumb%5B1%5D_gif.gif)


Mark Robson
(1913 - 1978)