
Estd. 2020
Approved by the Shaw Family

robert archibald shaw
1927 - 1978

True Legends Never Die

Welcome to the world's only dedicated website to the Academy Award, BAFTA and Golden Globe nominated actor and award winning novelist and playwright Robert Shaw.
Born in Lancashire, England, father of ten children and a cinema icon, he was the most mesmerising actor to grace the screen. He will never be forgotten and neither will his films, books and plays.
Beset with childhood demons and a ferocious will to win, Shaw was taken from us way too early and we can only imagine what might have been.
I have painstakingly trawled the archives and amassed an amazing collection of rare photographs, screenshots, newspaper articles, movies, TV shows, interviews, posters, voiceovers, trailers, voice recordings, soundtracks and production information charting every aspect of his life and career.
It has indeed been a labour of love and is dedicated to Robert's children Colin, Ian, Hannah, Deborah, Penny, Rachel, Katherine, Thomas and Elizabeth.
This is an ongoing project so please feel free to get in touch with any new material that can be added.
Enjoy the site and keep coming back.
Joe Mills

trailer of the week

"He was an enormous personality and he radiated it."

bob on the box

Wednesday March 12th 12.45am

soundtrack of the week
Music composed
by John Addison

April 3rd 1975
August 28th 1978

Visitor Map


sea fury

Tickets on sale NOW for UK and Ireland tour 2025.
Click on the picture to book tickets.
click on the logo to visit the
page for the latest news.

Mary Lee
Adrian McKenna
Hayden Wheeler
Celia MacFarlane
Sarah Benamou
Carole Howey
Mike Welsh
Karriann Ladi
john pycior
Tammy Pycior
MacKenzie Hill
Jeca Campion
marta cores